Step 1: choose the city

Choose the country you wish to visit on the landing page and click on “choose your city”

Step 2: choose the lists

Click on the drop-down menu and choose the lists you want: restaurants, museums, 3 days must see, etc…
Each list costs 1€, except for the “all lists”, which costs 2,99€ and includes all lists at once. Add these lists to the basket

Click on the drop-down menu and choose the lists you want: restaurants, museums, 3 days must see, etc…
Each list costs 1€, except for the “all lists”, which costs 2,99€ and includes all lists at once. Add these lists to the basket

Step 3: purchase the lists

Go on the basket page and purchase your lists. Once the order is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email

Step 4: click on the link

Click on the link in the confirmation email (as shown below)

Step 5: add it to your Google Maps

The link will redirect you to a web page.
Click on “Download the app” will automatically redirect the list to the Google Maps app (for Android users: click on the three dots -> open on Google Maps)

Step 6: Save the list

The link will redirect you to a web page.
Click on “Download the app” will automatically redirect you to the Google Maps app

Step 6: Save the list

Start discovering the city!

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